Your group benefits plan is customized to provide the health and dental coverage you need, as cost-effectively as possible. You can manage your plan using our secure online portals, or speak to an OTIP representative for friendly, knowledgeable assistance.
Our secure, online self-service portals give you convenient access to plan contracts, booklets/plan overviews, claims inquiry tools and forms. You can also make a claim, check on the status of a claim, review your benefit coverage and update your beneficiary information.
Accessible on our secure self-service site, My Drug Plan is designed to help you better understand your drug coverage. It features a drug lookup tool that can help you find out whether a drug is covered under your plan, determine the approximate out-of-pocket expense to purchase it and find any lower-cost (generic) alternatives, as well as a drug library. My Drug Plan will also notify you if a drug is subject to prior authorization.
We work closely with provincial bargaining representatives and local teams to provide timely, expert consulting. Our partners appreciate this timely and value-added service during negotiations.
To ensure plans include the benefits that matter most to members, we offer:
No matter what type of insurance expertise is needed, whether it is a review of existing plans, assistance at the bargaining table, market analysis to find the right carrier or the actual design and implementation of a specific product, we can provide it.
OTIP’s account managers oversee and coordinate all activities of your plan, working closely with plan sponsors and plan administrators to ensure that you, and all members, are getting the best service possible.
Account managers also provide consulting services and collective bargaining assistance to determine how benefits relate to total compensation and your collective bargaining process.
For complete details about your plan, please log in to our secure self-service portal and refer to your plan contract.