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Staying active at home

When it comes to your well-being, living an active lifestyle is one of the most beneficial things you can do to promote good physical and mental health. In fact, exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression, with even small to moderate amounts having a beneficial effect. This is in addition to the many other benefits that staying active offers.

To improve your health and wellness, here are some ways you can stay active while keeping safe. For some added fun, get the whole family involved!

Go for a stroll.

Who says you need fancy equipment to keep active? With proper distancing and precautions, talking a walk around the neighbourhood is a great way to stay active and relieve stress. Fresh air can make a big difference for your well-being.

The Ontario government has identified exercise as an essential reason to be outside. If you bring your mask and plan a less-traveled route, you can enjoy the outdoors while staying safe. Experts recommend walking for at least 30 to 45 minutes every day, so try to schedule some time outdoors!

Dance it out!

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like serious work. Turn on some music and bust a move to your favourite tunes. Dance can help increase your energy levels and is a great activity for the whole family.

Staying active can seem challenging, but with the right planning it can be a valuable part of any routine and an excellent way to maintain your well-being while staying at home.

This article is part of the Caring for your mental well-being campaign. Visit for more information on the campaign and mental health resources.

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